Welcome to web site devoted to small and useful hardware called Berio MIDI, which is suitable e.g. for all do-it-yourself men interested in electronic music or musical electronics.
What is Berio MIDI module, what does it do and where can it be used ?
If you want to connect your non-MIDI musical instrument to your MIDI musical system (electronic keyboard, tone generator, PC sound card), you need Berio MIDI.
Berio MIDI is something like MIDI signal generator (MIDI = Musical Instrument Digital Interface).
In practice Berio MIDI modules are most frequently used:
In organ pedalboards (foot keyboards, pedals)
When Berio MIDI 32 is built-in, pedalboard (foot-keyboard) may be connected to hand-keyboard. Or, in better quality equipment, it may be connected directly to organ tone generator or personal computer. Different voice selection for foot-keyboard and hand-keyboard is usually possible in this configuration.
In old keyboards without MIDI
Berio MIDI 64 can be used to upgrade older keyboards with very good mechanics. The original sound modules in older keyboards were often of unsatisfactory quality. With Berio MIDI 64 these keyboards can be connected to any tone generator. In future, when there are even better tone generators, you can simply replace your older tone generator without rebuilding your MIDI keyboard. MIDI interface is universal.
In pianos and grand pianos
MIDI output of embedded Berio MIDI 96 module is usually connected to sound card in a PC. It is possible to record improvised playing into PC, where it may be e.g. automatically transformed into notation, or played immediately by other sound equipment. In PC, received MIDI data can be processed in many ways. All depends on PC software used.
In multi-manual organ
For this purpose is intended Berio DUO module. When Berio DUO module is built-in, all manuals may be connected to electronic keyboard, to organ sound module or to a PC. Every manual may then play e.g. by different organ register, manuals can be transposed etc.
In accordions
Accordion with embedded Berio DUO module may be connected to electronic keyboard. This accordion then acquires the sound of organ, trumpet, rock guitar or percussion. Or, it may sounds by pure sound of synthesizer-modified accordion. All performance may be carried out real-time.
In large organ
For this purpose is intended Berio T-ORGAN, the largest Berio MIDI module. With Berio T-ORGAN you can build complete organ equipped by two manuals, pedalboard and a lot of control elements. In addition, Berio T-ORGAN module is able to serve two continuous controllers (potentiometers) intended for continuous control of effects like crescendo, tremulo, modulation wheel etc. Module performs (in electronic way) organ couplers inside manual, between manuals, between manuals and pedalboard. Module is able to change organ voice of connected keyboard or a PC. Berio T-ORGAN module can serve third manual in case of control features not used.
The above described musical instruments on one side, and devices receiving MIDI signal on another side may be combined in various ways. The given examples are mere suggestions of how Berio MIDI modules may be used and which configurations occurs most often.
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